USCGC Bibb Scuttlebutt
July 2023
Scuttlebutt Newsletter
We would like to welcome 10 new members to the Bibb Shipmates Association. Hopefully, some of these men will be part of your memories during your service to our country and the United States Coast Guard.
Welcome aboard to: John Tillman, SN, 1968-69. John Harris, 1972-73. Randy Littlejohn, RM3, 1969. Richard Souza, MM3, 1967-69. Jonathan Kinney, BMCS, 1975-77. Patrick Flynn, SS2, 1975-77. Patrick Flaherty, 1979-83. Doug Norton, YN2, 1980-82. David Sawyer, RD3. Ronald Jones, 1967-68 SN, Charles Crabtree SN,QM1, 1947-49.
We are glad to have each one of you.
We have not been notified of any members that have Crossed the Bar since our last reunion in Gatlinburg, TN in September of 2022. If you know of someone or hear of someone that does, please let us know so that we can honor them and their family during the Crossed the Bar Memorial Service at each reunion.
This next information is of the utmost importance. After 13 years (2000-2013) and another 18 months (September, 2022-April, 2024) as President of this fine association of brothers and sisters, I have made the decision to step aside and pass the helm to someone else. In addition, Lloyd has advised me that he too will be retiring as our former President and current Treasurer. Many thanks to Lloyd for his great work in keeping our treasury stable, our members informed and all the help he has been to me since September of last year. This has been a very busy time for Lloyd and I and he is older than I am! Lloyd and I sailed together, were on the Deck Force together and were great friends aboard Bibb during her deployment to Vietnam. Lloyd was already a crew member when I reported aboard and I left him in Boston when I returned to Governors Island in New York for Radioman, A School upon our return from Vietnam. He pulled my butt out of a couple of messes on liberty during our time together and he has been my right arm while I have served as your President.
We want to keep the Bibb Shipmates Association together as we move into the future. Please consider serving this membership as we do just that; move into the future. None of us are getting any younger but we do have some members that are fully capable of holding these positions. Lloyd and I both will still be active and able to advise whomever is in the leadership roles. We will continue this discussion and will be taking nominations at our business meeting in Cape May.
It has been our honor to serve you during our past years. Now let us keep the ‘ol girl moving forward and we need someone like you to do that.
From Lloyd Hensley, Treasurer
We have 50 paid up members to our Shipmates Assn at this time. There are another 55 that have not paid up or are past due.
Remember all dues are due on or before the 1 of February of each year.
As of July, this year we have $4324.93 in the bank after us paying for stamps, mailing stuff, funeral things and down payment for our reunion.
With our reunion coming we ask you all to please pay up as soon as you can. Please let me know what dinners you want at that time. Thanks
Bibb Shipmates Assn.
4349 Calderwood Hwy
Maryville, TN 37801